• Intelligent and visualized environmental protection information management application
    Oct 15, 2021 Intelligent and visualized environmental protection information management application
    Intelligent and visualized environmental protection information management application As environmental issues have increasingly attracted global attention, the path of economic development in various countries has been widely recognized around the world. The concept of low-carbon economy and low-carbon city has thus been put forward. Low-carbon city has become a common pursuit of all parts of the world. , Low-carbon city construction is an important part of the low-carbon revolution.  As the basic unit of urban functions, the construction and development of communities are closely related to the development of urban production and life. In the context of low-carbon city construction, community construction has also shown new characteristics and trends, and the role of communities in urban functions has begun to undergo new changes. According to the research report on the driving forces of low-carbon development in Chinese communities, the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of community households can reach 660 million tons per year, and China’s annual emissions are about 10 billion tons. This means that low-carbon communities can help the country achieve 6% annual emissions. Carbon reduction goals. What is a low-carbon community? In the 19th century, the term “Community” was defined by the German sociologist Ferdinard Tönnies (1855~1936): it is a combination of natural will and is based on people’s direct relationships, habits, traditions, and religions. People have close, face-to-face contact with each other, and they can strongly feel the unity of the group and are bound by tradition. The relationship between blood, neighbors and friends is the main bond of the community. According to the “Guidelines for the Pilot Construction of Low-Carbon Communities” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in February 2015, “low-carbon communities” refer to the reduction of energy resource consumption through the construction of a climate-friendly natural environment, housing construction, infrastructure, lifestyle and management models. Achieve low-carbon emissions in urban and rural communities. From a low-carbon perspective, in addition to minimizing the carbon emissions generated by all activities in the community, we also hope to achieve the goal of zero carbon emissions through ecological greening and other measures. In other words, a low-carbon community refers to a community scenario with a low-carbon life as the concept and behavior standard, and a low-carbon society construction blueprint as the concept. It is in line with the concept of sustainable development and has complete hardware and software facilities. It is in a low-carbon economy. The mode of production, lifestyle and value changes in urban communities. During the entire life cycle of the use of building materials and buildings in low-carbon communities, reduce dependence on petrochemical energy, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon dioxide emissio...
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  • Hotspot sharing 2-The first anniversary of the
    Oct 15, 2021 Hotspot sharing 2-The first anniversary of the "dual carbon" target, look at the changes in China
    On the 21st, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthen Confidence, Overcome Hardships, and Build a Better World". June 9th, 2021-Fully grasp the dual control of energy consumption and resolutely curb the blind development of the "two highs" project. The Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission hosted a symposium on carbon neutralization in some regions in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and instructions on carbon peak carbon neutralization work, and earnestly conveyed and implemented the deployment requirements of the first plenary meeting of the carbon peak carbon neutral work leading group and the first meeting of the leading group office. Report the progress of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality at the national level, and put forward clear requirements for accelerating relevant work in various regions. June 16, 2021-Carbon neutrality work symposium on carbon peaks in some regions. The Department of Environmental Resources and Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission continued to host a symposium on carbon neutralization in some areas in Beijing. It is necessary to strictly implement energy conservation review and environmental review and approval, and for "two highs" projects that do not meet the requirements of national industrial planning, industrial policies, "three lines and one order", capacity replacement, energy efficiency standards, coal consumption reduction substitution, and pollutant emission area reduction. , We must firmly take it down.  July 16, 2021-The national carbon emissions trading market was launched for online trading. On February 1, the "Administrative Measures for Carbon Emissions Trading (Trial)" ("Administrative Measures") came into effect. The launching ceremony was held in the three places in Wuhan at the same time, and then the national carbon market, which has received much attention, officially began online trading. July 30, 2021-Corrective campaign-style "carbon reduction". The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and economic work. The meeting called for a coordinated and orderly implementation of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work, and an action plan for carbon peaking by 2030 as soon as possible. Adhere to a national game of chess, correct the campaign-style "carbon reduction", and resolutely curb the "two highs". The project develops blindly. Do a good job in ensuring the power peak summer. On August 17, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission clarified the “1+N” dual-carbon policy system. On August 17, Meng Wei, the spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated at a regular press conference in August tha...
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  • Hotspot sharing1-The first anniversary of the
    Oct 15, 2021 Hotspot sharing1-The first anniversary of the "dual carbon" target, look at the changes in China
    On the 21st, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthen Confidence, Overcome Hardships, and Build a Better World". In his speech, the chairman mentioned that China will vigorously support the green and low-carbon development of energy in developing countries and will no longer build new overseas coal power projects. On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping proposed for the first time at the UN General Assembly that China will strive to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2060. Since then, an extensive and profound systemic economic and social transformation has gradually unfolded in China. Looking back over the past year, the whole country is in a state of cognition of dual-carbon. From the central to the local level, policies surrounding dual-carbon are one after another. A large number of companies have actively publicly committed themselves to their carbon neutrality goals and measures to achieve them. Various channels of self-media continue to popularize what is carbon neutrality and so on to the public through texts and videos. China’s carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality goals in 2060 are major strategic decisions made by the central government after careful consideration. Strategically confident. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's development philosophy has undergone a fundamental change. Environmental protection is no longer regarded as a burden of economic development, but as a driving force for high-quality development. Emissions reduction has also changed from "I want to reduce" in the past to "I want to reduce" more. At present, more than 120 countries in the world have proposed carbon neutrality targets in different ways. The formation of a global consensus on carbon neutrality marks the end of the traditional industrial era and the opening of a new era of development. Carbon neutrality is a redefinition and shaping of the entire development paradigm. It is a "self-revolution" of production and lifestyle. It is not only an unprecedented challenge, but also a strategic opportunity for China. In the process of future green transformation and global climate governance, China is likely to assume the role of a global leader. Carbon neutrality, the term for energy conservation and emission reduction, refers to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced directly or indirectly generated by enterprises, groups or individuals within a certain period of time, and offset their own production through afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, etc. To achieve “zero emission” of carbon dioxide. The carbon peak refers to the steady decline of carbon emissions after entering the plateau period. Simply put, it means to "break-even" carbon dioxide emissions. On the first anniversary of the carbon neutrality goal, we might as well look back and see what efforts and results o...
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  • Financial Sharing What is the meaning behind the most stringent electricity curtailment order?
    Oct 15, 2021 Financial Sharing What is the meaning behind the most stringent electricity curtailment order?
    Financial Sharing What is the meaning behind the most stringent electricity curtailment order? Electricity prices did not rise, but coal prices soared. Due to China's restrictions on Australian coal imports, China imported only 780,000 tons of coal from Australia in the first half of this year, a year-on-year decrease of 98.6%, basically not importing coal from Australia. After banning the import of Australian coal, China increased its imports of coal from the United States, Canada, Russia, Colombia, and the Philippines. However, the cost of importing these coals is higher than that of Australian coal. Due to its poor quality and deep burial, domestic coal has a much higher mining cost than Australian open-pit coal. In the past, one of the key reasons why China imported a large amount of coal from Australia was that Australian coal was cheaper than domestic coal. And 70% of China's electricity comes from coal power. When the cost of coal is high, the cost of electricity rises rapidly. However, if electricity prices cannot rise, coal power plants can only generate power at a loss. On the other hand, some companies have curtailed power, some are due to insufficient power supply and relatively high power demand, and some are related to the "dual control" indicator. From the perspective of the macro environment, the country's carbon neutrality and carbon peaking policies are regulating energy-consuming enterprises to promote market transformation. It can be said that the strict "dual control" policy is an inevitable result of market development. Some power and production restrictions introduced by local governments are an integral part of the local governments' market regulation according to the situation, and they are a policy-oriented behavior. Because carbon emissions are limited, our total energy use is limited, so when we reach a certain point, we must make some choices. Residential electricity consumption must be guaranteed, and residential electricity consumption only accounts for 13.6% of the total electricity consumption, and the tertiary industry electricity consumption is only 13.4%, so that only industrial electricity consumption accounts for 71.1% of the electricity consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the power supply to the manufacturing industry. So the problem is that China is a big manufacturing country, and the whole country is revolving around manufacturing. In the manufacturing industry, not only China's GDP, but also the jobs of countless people. For a so-called carbon peak, just stopped like this? Isn't this caught in the trap of Europeans and Americans? Things, of course, are not so simple. Every policy in China is formulated after repeated scrutiny by the elites, and only do things that are beneficial to China. We did agree on a carbon peak with Europe and the United States, but that was because the terms were beneficial to us, at least for mutual benefit and win-win. We can never unilaterally wear ourselves to me...
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  • Financial Sharing What is the meaning behind the most stringent electricity curtailment order?
    Oct 15, 2021 Financial Sharing What is the meaning behind the most stringent electricity curtailment order?
    Recently, many underground sources issued policy documents on dual control of energy consumption, and various industries with high energy consumption and high pollution have stopped production and work. News of production restrictions and upgrades in Jiangsu, Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places has even blown up the circle of friends.  As soon as the A-share market opened the day before yesterday, the light industry manufacturing, energy and power sectors went crazy. The direct reason for the surge in these two sectors is the curtailment of electricity and production. Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are China's printing and dyeing centers, and Shaoxing alone accounts for half of Zhejiang's printing and dyeing capacity. Once the Shaoxing Printing and Dyeing Plant was shut down, one-third of the country's printing and dyeing capacity went out of business. When the supply-side capacity is limited, the price of raw materials rises sharply. The Changshu Printing and Dyeing Chamber of Commerce in Jiangsu Province issued the "Dyeing Fee Adjustment Notice", requiring member companies to uniformly increase the printing and dyeing fee by no less than 1,000 yuan/ton from October 1st. The Sweater Dyeing and Finishing Chamber of Commerce in Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province issued the "Letter on Adjusting the Dyeing and Processing Fees of Hank Yarns", requesting that the printing and dyeing processing fees be raised by 500 yuan/ton. Seeing these "Price Increase Notification Letters", the first thing I remembered was the chemical industry in the second half of last year. Under strict environmental protection policies, a large number of chemical companies with high energy consumption and high pollution were ordered to suspend production and relocation. Then, the prices of chemical raw materials soared all the way and could not stop at all. Nowadays, the state has put more emphasis on dual energy consumption control policies, resolutely controlling high-energy-consumption and high-emission items. Many regions with excessive energy consumption have begun to notify local enterprises to control energy consumption by means of power curtailment and production suspension. To a certain extent This has the same effect as the supply-side reform of chemical companies. The reason is that the background is that the "carbon neutral" strategy has been formally incorporated into the implementation stage. Industries such as high energy consumption and high pollution chemicals, light industrial manufacturing, and coal power energy are all key industries that need to be vigorously adjusted by policies. Those who should be relocated must be relocated; those who should be upgraded must be upgraded; those that should be shut down must be shut down. According to incomplete statistics from China Business News, as of September 23, there were more than 10 A-share listed companies that had suspended or restricted production due to energy consumption dual control and power restriction...
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  • Factors when choosing a proper pulse bag dust collector
    Sep 30, 2021 Factors when choosing a proper pulse bag dust collector
    When we choose the type of pulse dust collector, we mainly consider the following factors:     1, processing air volume The pulse dust collector judges that its working efficiency is judged from its processing air volume. The so-called processing air volume refers to the volume of gas that the dust removal equipment can purify per unit time. Many bag filters, pulse dusters, etc., will be an important improvement factor in the design. By judging the amount of dust on the corresponding occasion, select the appropriate amount of dust collector. However, we must also pay attention to the point that we can not specially select Dust Collectors with large air volume, which will increase the cost and land use area, and must not be blindly purchased. 2, the entrance dust concentration By analyzing the inlet dust concentration, you can make a preliminary judgment on the number of cleanings of the equipment. If the inlet concentration is large, at the same processing rate, it will inevitably increase the number of cleanings of the equipment, resulting in longer working hours and longer working periods. 3, export dust concentration By analyzing the dust content in the outlet, you can accurately know whether the dust emissions meet the appropriate standards. 4, the filter speed Filtration speed is an important design aspect of all dust removal equipment. When the filter speed of the pulse dust collector is faster, the dust purification rate will decrease. On the contrary, when the filter speed of the dust collector is slow, the dust purification rate will be high, but this will also affect the overall dust removal progress.
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