Hotspot sharing1-The first anniversary of the "dual carbon" target, look at the changes in China

Oct 15, 2021

On the 21st, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthen Confidence, Overcome Hardships, and Build a Better World".

In his speech, the chairman mentioned that China will vigorously support the green and low-carbon development of energy in developing countries and will no longer build new overseas coal power projects.

On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping proposed for the first time at the UN General Assembly that China will strive to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2060. Since then, an extensive and profound systemic economic and social transformation has gradually unfolded in China.

Looking back over the past year, the whole country is in a state of cognition of dual-carbon. From the central to the local level, policies surrounding dual-carbon are one after another. A large number of companies have actively publicly committed themselves to their carbon neutrality goals and measures to achieve them. Various channels of self-media continue to popularize what is carbon neutrality and so on to the public through texts and videos.

China’s carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality goals in 2060 are major strategic decisions made by the central government after careful consideration. Strategically confident. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's development philosophy has undergone a fundamental change. Environmental protection is no longer regarded as a burden of economic development, but as a driving force for high-quality development. Emissions reduction has also changed from "I want to reduce" in the past to "I want to reduce" more.

At present, more than 120 countries in the world have proposed carbon neutrality targets in different ways. The formation of a global consensus on carbon neutrality marks the end of the traditional industrial era and the opening of a new era of development. Carbon neutrality is a redefinition and shaping of the entire development paradigm. It is a "self-revolution" of production and lifestyle. It is not only an unprecedented challenge, but also a strategic opportunity for China. In the process of future green transformation and global climate governance, China is likely to assume the role of a global leader.

Carbon neutrality, the term for energy conservation and emission reduction, refers to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced directly or indirectly generated by enterprises, groups or individuals within a certain period of time, and offset their own production through afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, etc. To achieve “zero emission” of carbon dioxide. The carbon peak refers to the steady decline of carbon emissions after entering the plateau period. Simply put, it means to "break-even" carbon dioxide emissions.

On the first anniversary of the carbon neutrality goal, we might as well look back and see what efforts and results our motherland has made in order to achieve this great goal this year:

September 22, 2020-The "dual carbon" target was first proposed. President Xi Jinping solemnly announced at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly: China will increase its nationally determined contributions, adopt more powerful policies and measures, and strive to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve it by 2060. Carbon neutral.

October 20, 2020-Multi-sectoral linkage, the first time to propose countermeasures. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Development and Reform Commission, the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting Investment and Financing in Response to Climate Change."

October 28, 2020-Proposed the formulation of a special plan for addressing climate change during the 14th Five-Year Plan. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment proposed that the work of addressing climate change should be fully integrated into the construction of ecological civilization during the "14th Five-Year Plan", and a special plan for addressing climate change during the "14th Five-Year Plan" should be formulated to accelerate the low-carbon transformation of the energy structure.

November 8, 2020-Ministry of Ecology and Environment: The peak carbon emissions will be included in the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate. On November 8, 2020, at the “2020 New Infrastructure Green Investment Conference”, a supporting event of the 3rd China International Import Expo, Li Gao, Director of the Department of Climate Change Response of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, stated that China will compile the “14th Five-Year Plan”. "Special Plan to Address Climate Change."

December 7, 2020-The Ministry of Ecology and Environment listens to local carbon peaking actions. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a symposium in Shanghai to listen to local opinions on the carbon peak action.

December 12, 2020-Xi Jinping announced a series of new measures for China's National Independent Contributions at the Climate Ambition Summit. On December 12, 2020, President Xi Jinping delivered a video at the Climate Ambition Summit with an important speech titled "Continuing the Past and Opening the Future to Start a New Journey in Global Response to Climate Change", announcing a series of new measures for China's nationally determined contributions.

December 16-18, 2020-The Central Economic Work Conference proposed dual-carbon work as one of the eight key tasks in 2021. The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 16th to 18th, 2020. The meeting made it clear that eight key tasks will be grasped in 2021. Among them, the eighth key task pointed out that we must do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

January 4, 2021-Improve the green financial policy framework and incentive mechanism. On January 4, the 2021 People's Bank of China work conference was held. The meeting requested that the major decision-making and deployment of carbon peak and carbon neutral be implemented, and the green financial policy framework and incentive mechanism should be improved.

January 5, 2021—Announcement of "National Carbon Emissions Trading Management Measures (Trial)".The Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced on January 5 the full text of the "National Regulations on Carbon Emission Trading Management (Trial)".

January 11, 2021-to promptly formulate an action plan for peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030. The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Guiding Opinions on Coordinating and Strengthening the Work Related to Climate Change and Ecological Environmental Protection."

January 29, 2021-"National High-tech Zone Green Development Special Action Implementation Plan". According to the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-Quality Development of National High-tech Industrial Development Zones" (Guo Fa [2020] No. 7), in order to promote the green development of national high-tech zones, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized the implementation of the "Special Actions for Green Development of National High-tech Zones." On January 29, the "National High-tech Zone Green Development Special Action Implementation Plan" was issued.

February 8, 2021-Development of green finance. The Monetary Policy Analysis Group of the People's Bank of China released the "Report on China's Monetary Policy Implementation in the Fourth Quarter of 2020". The report put forward in the form of a column "Developing green finance to promote the achievement of carbon peak and carbon neutral goals."

February 8, 2021-Promote the preparation of industrial low-carbon action plans. The Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a video seminar on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in key industries to study the targets and tasks of industrial response to climate change during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and promote the formulation of industrial low-carbon action plans.

March 15, 2021-Bring carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction. The ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee was held. Xi Jinping, director of the Central Finance and Economics Commission, delivered an important speech at the meeting and emphasized that achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is a broad and profound economic and social systemic change. Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality must be incorporated into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction. Take out the strength to grasp the iron, and achieve the goal of carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2060 on schedule.

March 29, 2021-Strengthen corporate greenhouse gas emission report management. On March 28, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting", requesting provincial eco-environmental authorities to organize key emission units within the administrative area to submit information on greenhouse gas emissions And related supporting materials, and do a good job in greenhouse gas emission data reporting, organizational verification, submission of the list of key emission units in the power generation industry and related materials, quota verification and settlement, supervision and inspection, etc.

April 30, 2021-Maintain the strategic determination of ecological civilization construction. During the 29th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized maintaining the strategic determination of ecological civilization construction and striving to build a modernization in which man and nature live in harmony.

May 19, 2021-Three related management rules for carbon emission rights are released. On May 19, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Regulations for the Registration and Management of Carbon Emission Rights (for Trial Implementation)", "Regulations for the Management of Carbon Emission Rights Trading (for Trial Implementation)" and "Regulations for the Settlement and Management of Carbon Emission Rights (for Trial Implementation)", which will be implemented on the day of issuance .

May 26, 2021-The first plenary meeting of the Carbon Neutrality Leading Group. The first plenary meeting of the Carbon Neutralization Leading Group was held. Ensure that the carbon peak and carbon neutral goal is achieved on schedule! Han Zheng presided over the first plenary meeting of the Carbon Neutralization Leading Group and gave a speech.

May 28, 2021-The first meeting of the Office of the Leading Group for Carbon Neutrality Work. He Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, presided over the first meeting of the Office of the Leading Group for Carbon Neutralization. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and important instructions on carbon peaks and carbon neutrality, implemented the important instructions and requirements of Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Han Zheng, and conveyed the first time that the leading group of carbon peaks and carbon neutrality work was carried out. The spirit of the plenary meeting, the deployment of key tasks in the near future.

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