• Yuanchen issued scholarships for the children of employees
    Sep 01, 2021 Yuanchen issued scholarships for the children of employees
    On August 28, Yuanchen Technology issued scholarships to four children of company employees to encourage them to learn knowledge and skills, realize their dreams in life, and repay their families and society with excellent results. At the awarding ceremony, Yuanchen Technology Chief Engineer Zhou Guanchen congratulated all the students who entered the school on behalf of the company. He said that campus life is pure and beautiful. He hopes that everyone will cherish time, continue to maintain the spirit of hard work, master professional skills, and improve One's own comprehensive ability; drinking water thinking about the source, today's outstanding students' achievements are inseparable from the hard work of their parents, students must be grateful, thank their parents, and give back to the society. Finally, I also wish all students a bright future, and wish every family harmony, happiness and well-being. The students thanked Yuanchen Technology for their care and support, and expressed that they would work hard, forge ahead, make achievements in learning, and contribute to the society. Parents also expressed that they must ask their children to cherish their precious learning time, work hard, and return the company's love and entrustment with excellent results. For many years, Yuanchen Technology has always adhered to the cultural concept of people-oriented and caring for employees, attaches great importance to the education of employees' children, cares about the health and growth of the next generation, and distributes scholarships to the children of employees who enter colleges and universities every year to convey the company's "love" culture The core reflects the warmth of the Yuanchen family.
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  • Yuanchen Information | Yuanchen Technology solemnly held the inaugural meeting of the Association of Science and Technology and the first congress
    Aug 27, 2021 Yuanchen Information | Yuanchen Technology solemnly held the inaugural meeting of the Association of Science and Technology and the first congress
    On August 19, Anhui Yuanchen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. held the inaugural meeting of the Science and Technology Association and the first representative meeting. Cao Xuemei, a representative of Xinzhan Science and Technology Bureau and Xinzhan Science and Technology Association, attended the conference. At the meeting, the preparatory team made a report on the preparatory work of the Association for Science and Technology and read out the articles of the Yuanchen Enterprise Science and Technology Association, and elected and elected the first committee and leadership team of the Yuanchen Science and Technology Association. After voting, Yuanchen Technology's general manager Liang Yan was elected as the chairman of the Association for Science and Technology, chairman Xu Hui was elected as the vice chairman, and R&D engineer Yang Dong was elected as the secretary general. Cao Xuemei, the representative of the Xinzhan District Science and Technology Bureau and the Xinzhan Science and Technology Association, read out the approval for the establishment of the Yuanchen Science and Technology Association, and congratulated the establishment of the Yuanchen Science and Technology Association on behalf of the Xinzhan Science and Technology Association, and congratulated the Yuanchen Science and Technology Association There are expectations for future development. She said that the establishment of the Enterprise Science and Technology Association is an important measure to enhance the level of enterprise science and technology culture. It is hoped that Yuanchen Technology will rely on the Enterprise Science Association platform to give full play to the innovative role of scientific and technological talents and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. At the same time, I hope that Yuanchen Science and Technology Association can continue to explore and summarize the work experience of enterprise science and technology associations in future work, set a model for the construction of other enterprise science and technology associations, and promote the healthy and stable development of enterprise science and technology associations in the new station area. Strengthening the organization of scientific and technological associations in enterprises and institutions is an important measure to promote enterprises to become the mainstay of technological innovation and an important guarantee for fully mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technological workers in enterprises and institutions. Yang Dong, R&D engineer of Yuanchen Institute of Science and Technology, said that the establishment of the Enterprise Science and Technology Association is both an opportunity and a challenge. In the next step of the work, Yuanchen Association of Science and Technology will focus on the company's overall technological innovation on the one hand, and will refine it on the other. Implement the strategy of ...
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  • Healthy life, happy sports-
    Aug 26, 2021 Healthy life, happy sports-"Yuanchen Half Marathon" is on!
    On August 21, the "Yuanchen Half Marathon" kicked off in Taochong Lake Park, Xinzhan District, Hefei. Nearly 200 employees of Yuanchen Technology participated in this competition. We adhere to the principle of "family, one mind, and run together", and practice the love for the company with the spirit of challenging ourselves, surpassing the limit, perseverance, and never giving up. The acceleration of Chen Technology. Before the start of the competition, Ms. Liang Yan, the general manager of Yuanchen Technology, mobilized before the game and asked everyone to carry forward the marathon spirit, overcome difficulties and pay attention to safety, and hope that the young and energetic Yuanchen athletes will achieve results and set examples in the competition! Accompanied by the crisp start instruction, the participants rushed into the track like an arrow from the string, and disappeared into the green shade in a blink of an eye. The scenery along the way is beautiful, Yinggeyan dances, athletes gallop on the track, and the logistics team delivers supplies at the replenishment point. This is a warm picture, showing a strong cohesion, united and invincible. After a fierce competition, Tao Jinlong from the marketing center took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the first place in the men's group; Ruan Xiaodong from the Administration Department won the second place; Xu Yan from the New Materials Division won the third place. Ms. Liang Yan, the general manager of Yuanchen Technology, won the first place in the women's group; Zheng Wenxian, the marketing center, won the second place; and Han Meilin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cornfield Technology, won the third place. At the conclusion ceremony, the team leaders of Yuanchen Technology led the team to make a collective appearance and shared the experience of the "Half Marathon" event. Mr. Xu Hui, chairman of Yuanchen Technology, presented awards to outstanding personnel. He pointed out that having a healthy and strong body is the root of all support. Yuanchen Technology has always been advocating the spirit of "active sports, happy work". Both the periodic competitions and the promotion of healthy running for all employees have been proving that the company attaches great importance to the physical and mental health of employees. He emphasized that the purpose of participating in the competition is not only to challenge the difficulties of the outside world, but also to challenge oneself and stick to oneself. Ms. Liang Yan, the general manager of Yuanchen Technology, emphasized that at present, sports and fitness have become a modern way of life and leisure. The development of an enterprise depends on the strong physique of employees and on technology. Enterprises are like people, and they must be "Xu as an enterprise" like President Xi's "Xu as a country". She hopes that all employees will use this activity as a starting point, run out of passion, run out of vitality, run out of energy with a...
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  • The first research team of Hefei Women's Federation went to Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    Aug 26, 2021 The first research team of Hefei Women's Federation went to Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    In order to implement the normalized and institutionalized work requirements of the municipal party committee’s “not forgetting the original mission, keeping in mind the mission and setting an example to be in the forefront”, on August 17, the party secretary and chairman of the Municipal Women’s Federation, Xuan Liling, led the first research team to Yuanchen Technology Carry out visits and surveys. The research team came to Yuanchen Technology to visit the corporate culture exhibition hall, the party-building cultural wall of "Five Hearts and Create Green Development Together", and the environmental testing laboratory of the wholly-owned subsidiary Anhui Kangfeier Testing Technology Co., Ltd., and watched the company Promo. Then the investigation team came to the Yuanchen Technology New Material Production Base to learn more about the company's development history, main research directions, application of scientific and technological achievements and the organization of the Women's Federation, and visited the filter material production line and analysis and testing center on the spot. At the symposium, Xuan Liling had an in-depth exchange with Liang Yan, the general manager of Yuanchen Technology. The participants in the symposium spoke freely, and put forward their opinions on the establishment of corporate exchange platforms, the introduction of high-end talents, the recommendation of outstanding women, the establishment of women’s federations, and how to carry out activities. Suggest. Xuan Liling said that Yuanchen Technology is an excellent enterprise with sentiments, ideas and accomplishments, and is at the forefront of environmental protection. The future is promising and promising. It is hoped that while grasping development, enterprises will do a good job of ideological guidance, unity and cohesion, and do a good job in party building and group organization building. General Manager Liang Yan is grateful for the good times and business environment now encountered, and said that the company will continue to uphold the spirit of hard work, actively respond to the call, and drive the company's high-quality development with technological innovation. Xuan Liling emphasized that women's federations at all levels should take the initiative to help enterprises and women entrepreneurs solve the urgent and worrying problems in development, build a platform for technological innovation enterprises, and provide policy support and precise services for women entrepreneurs' innovation and creation. , Create a good innovation ecological environment, and contribute women's wisdom and strength to Hefei's technological innovation and development.
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  • A lively Yuanchen party class
    Aug 12, 2021 A lively Yuanchen party class
    "Hundred years of struggle, set sail for a new journey." Recently, the party branch of Yuanchen Technology specially invited Liang Huayou, director of the Rights Protection Division of the Xinzhan High-tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions, to provide special party lessons for all party members and veterans.     During the lecture, Director Liang focused on the theme of "learning a century of party history and prospering the future", closely combining the party’s century of struggle, a century of journey, and a century of exploration, combined with Hefei’s local development reality, the thoughts and work practices of party members and cadres, and used rich and informative methods. The party history data of the Party systematically explained the mission and responsibilities of the Communists in the new era, and gave all party members a vivid, profound, simple and content-rich special party class.     He emphasized: Studying the history of the party and the history of New China is the "foundation stone" of the "four self-confidence." A good study of the two compulsory courses of Party History and New China History will enable us to more scientifically summarize historical experience, correctly grasp the laws of history, clearly understand China’s national conditions, and deeply grasp the basis of the scientific and truthful nature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Uphold the "four self-confidence".     At the same time, he pointed out that in the new era, we must use history as a mirror, learn from the present, draw wisdom from the party’s century-old history, shoulder the mission and responsibilities of the Chinese Communists in the new era, and build a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation strives unremittingly.     Everyone said that the revolutionary martyrs have exchanged their blood and lives for today’s happy life. We must learn from the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the revolutionary spirit, strengthen our mission, base ourselves on our posts, and do our work well with our heart, affection, effort, and time. Promote the high-quality development of enterprises and contribute their own strength!
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  • Luo Hong, deputy director of the Department of Ecological Environment of Anhui Province, and his party visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    Aug 12, 2021 Luo Hong, deputy director of the Department of Ecological Environment of Anhui Province, and his party visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    On the morning of June 18th, Luo Hong, deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and his team visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance. Ms. Liang Yan, general manager of Yuanchen Technology, Mr. Chen Zhi, deputy general manager, and Mr. Zhao Yu, chief engineer of Science and Technology Research Institute participated in the exchange.     Director Luo and his entourage visited the Yuanchen Party Building Cultural Center and the production intelligence workshop, and listened carefully to reports on corporate brand growth stories, economic development, technological research and development, and strategic planning. He said that the environmental protection market will have a huge capacity in the future, and Yuanchen Technology's dual-carbon strategic plan closely follows the national development direction. He pointed out that the enterprise strategic plan should fully consider the economy, technology, and marketability, encourage enterprises to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation, and strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.     Director Luo emphasized that in the process of promoting green development, Anhui Province has continuously cultivated and strengthened energy-saving and environmental protection industries, assisted ecological environmental governance and high-level protection, and injected new momentum into economic and social development and the construction of a comprehensive green transition zone. Encourage enterprises to make full use of their own advantages to become bigger and stronger, and rely on scientific and technological strength to contribute to the construction of the ecological environment. At the same time, the Provincial Environmental Protection Department will further deepen the reform and innovation of ecological and environmental protection policies to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.     General Manager Ms. Liang Yan said that in the future, the company will further increase investment in innovation, enrich product systems, use high-quality products and cutting-edge technologies to help win the battle against pollution, achieve continuous improvement of environmental quality, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China by 2035. !
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