• Hundreds of virtues and filial piety are the first to warm the Double Ninth Festival-Yuanchen Technology enters the Jinzhu Nursing Home
    Oct 22, 2021 Hundreds of virtues and filial piety are the first to warm the Double Ninth Festival-Yuanchen Technology enters the Jinzhu Nursing Home
    On the Double Ninth Festival every year, the sunset is red. In order to celebrate the annual Double Ninth Festival, vigorously promote the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues of respecting and respecting the elderly, and further create a good social atmosphere of respecting, loving and helping the elderly, on October 14, Yuanchen Science and Technology Party Branch and Thirty Head Community Civilization The Office organized a voluntary service activity with the theme of "Love the Nursing Home and Sending Warmth to Chongyang" at the Centralized Support Service Center of Jinzhu Nursing Home in Anhui. Before the start of the event, "The Communist Party worked hard for the nation, and the Communist Party was dedicated to saving China..." The song "There would be no New China without the Communist Party" kicked off the event with a collective singing of 21 elderly people. The whole event consisted of 5 wonderful people. In the series, representatives of Yuanchen Technology Party members sang songs such as "Father" and "Mom's Kiss" for the elderly, and interacted with the elderly to sing revolutionary songs. After the performance, party members and volunteers sent festive blessings and cares to the elderly, and gave pre-customized cotton shoes, radios, bread and other gifts to the five-guarantee elderly in the community, so that the elderly have more happiness And sense of gain. The successful holding of the Double Ninth Festival has created a harmonious and strong festival atmosphere. It is also to further care for the physical and mental health of the elderly, so that the elderly in the nursing home can realize their worth and life as soon as possible. Happy. In the future, Yuanchen Technology will continue to take the initiative to assume more social responsibilities, care and care for the health and life of disadvantaged groups, carry out various forms of voluntary service activities, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the whole society while the company becomes bigger and stronger.
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  • Yuanchen Information-Promoting school-enterprise cooperation, accelerating the integration of production and education, and accurately cultivating talents
    Oct 15, 2021 Yuanchen Information-Promoting school-enterprise cooperation, accelerating the integration of production and education, and accurately cultivating talents
    On September 24, Yuanchen Technology Enterprise Presentation Conference was held at Anhui Vocational and Technical College. The presentation was presided over by Zhang Lili, Human Resources Director of Yuanchen Technology, and Wang Zhongtian, Chief Executive Officer of Environmental Business Department, preached. At the meeting, Wang Zhongtian gave a detailed introduction to the students about the company's situation and the future market's demand for talents based on six aspects: "enterprise key performance, core technology, R&D team, industrial planning, corporate culture, and employment guidance". Then shared personal career development and work experience and experience; introduced the company's talent introduction and cultivation mechanism, and introduced the characteristic culture of the company to the students, highlighting the echelon of party members, military vanguards and Yuanchen talents. Construction, etc., showed the company's working environment, boarding and lodging conditions, and a variety of cultural and entertainment activities. Finally, Wang Zhongtian combined his own work experience to share with the students the importance of learning, emphasizing the current workplace requirements for professional quality and comprehensive ability. As a student at school, we must make use of the precious time available and the school’s good teaching resources, take root in learning, consolidate professional knowledge, strengthen comprehensive theoretical and practical capabilities, and lay a solid foundation for entering the society in the future. At present, the development of my country's industrial economy is at a critical stage of upgrading from "Made in China" to "Created in China" and upgrading from "Made in China" to "High-quality manufacturing". And colleges and universities are the cradle of talents and academic achievements, and enterprises are the bases for product development and production. Yuanchen Technology has always attached great importance to school-enterprise cooperation, continuously accelerating the integration of production and education, and accurately nurturing talents. Keeping up with national policies and guidelines, we have successively cooperated with many colleges and universities, including the introduction of management training students, and the training of professional talents for "titled classes". It is understood that in June this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security pointed out in the "Skills China Action" Implementation Plan: to establish and improve the integration of production and education, and school-enterprise cooperation mechanisms. Promote the deep integration of enterprises and schools in the industrial chain, innovation chain, and talent chain, and jointly promote the high-quality development of the regional economy and society. To meet the needs of enterprises and schools, integrate enterprise and school resources, establish enterprise and school resource clusters, ...
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  • Yuanchen Charity-Yuanchen Technology donated 1,000 sets of reflective clothing to Hefei Xinzhan Shouchun Experimental Middle School
    Sep 30, 2021 Yuanchen Charity-Yuanchen Technology donated 1,000 sets of reflective clothing to Hefei Xinzhan Shouchun Experimental Middle School
    On September 16, the student traffic "Protect you in the name of light" sponsored by Hefei Charity Federation, Hefei Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment, Hefei Xinzhan High-tech Zone Party Working Committee Office, and Xinzhan High-tech Zone Social Affairs Bureau The donation ceremony of safety reflective clothing was held in Shouchun Experimental Middle School. Yuanchen Technology, as the co-organizer, donated 1,000 sets of safe travel reflective clothing on site.     At the donation ceremony, the principal of Shouchun Experimental Middle School Ye Yiyin gave a speech, thanking the Municipal Charity Federation, the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and Yuanchen Technology for their donations, and introduced the special situation of the school. He emphasized that young people are the flowers of the motherland, the future and hope of the nation, and need the care and care of the whole society. With the increase of traffic vehicles and other factors, the safe travel of young people, especially primary and middle school students, has become a general concern of the society. With the reflective clothing donated today, it can draw the attention of drivers in time, have a good safety warning effect, and add a safety line of defense for children to travel, which is of great significance for improving students' safety awareness and avoiding accident injuries.   Attention, care, and concern for the healthy and safe growth of young people are the common responsibilities of the whole society. The safety and health of a child is related to the happiness of a family. For the education in the region, for the safety and happiness of the children, we are willing to contribute our meager efforts! Zhang Lili, Director of Human Resources of Yuanchen Technology, said when attending the donation ceremony: All children can go to school happily and return home safely. This is our greatest wish!   In the name of light, protect you from moving forward; care for students and cherish life. Today we plant a seed, and tomorrow we will harvest countless well-meaning souls with a smile. Yuanchen Technology will always be sincere, with benevolence and charity, with good deeds to accumulate virtue, make persistent efforts, make great good from small kind, and truly help more people in need, in order to build a warm and harmonious socialist society. The family makes unremitting efforts.   Reflective clothing is a cartoon reflective material formed by combining a reflective layer formed by glass beads with polymer materials such as PVC and PU using a special process. In the daytime, its bright colors play a warning role, and in the night or in the case of dim light, within 200 meters, the reflective effect can effectively enhance the recognition ability of the motor vehicle driver, see the target clearly, and cause alertness. Avoid accidents, so it is also known as road traffic safety guards.
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  • Layout the carbon neutral track, and join hands with the academy of sciences for industry-university-research cooperation
    Sep 10, 2021 Layout the carbon neutral track, and join hands with the academy of sciences for industry-university-research cooperation
    Since "carbon neutrality" was proposed, it has become a "hot word" in the capital market. Based on the national strategic goals, my country will adopt more powerful policies and measures, strive to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. The goal of "carbon neutrality" will be an important main line of China's development for a long time, and industries represented by the environmental protection industry will have a more solid long-term logic. Today, the Flush Shun expert group interviewed Mr. Xu Hui, the chairman of Yuanchen Technology, to show you the development of Yuanchen Technology, a special and new "little giant" enterprise in the environmental protection industry, as well as the current situation and future development of the environmental protection industry. Company Profile:  Yuanchen Technology was established in 2005, facing major national needs, focusing on technology research and development and application in the field of environmental protection, pioneering and innovating in the fields of industrial flue gas dust removal, denitrification, circular economy, smart environmental protection, etc.; committed to leading the forefront of industry technology and promoting the environmental protection industry The integration of new business forms is an enterprise that has both the R&D, design, and production of high-efficiency dust removal filter materials and SCR denitrification catalysts, as well as the recovery and regeneration of waste catalysts. It has CNAS and CMA testing qualifications. On March 31, 2021, Yuanchen Technology officially landed in A shares and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board, officially opening the capital securitization of Yuanchen Technology. Stock abbreviation: Yuanchen Technology, stock code: 688659.  Guest introduction: Xu Hui, Chairman of Anhui Yuanchen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Core point of view: 1. The relatively certain industry development prospects provide a guarantee for the steady growth of Yuanchen Technology's performance; 2. With the gradual and effective control of the epidemic, the business of the company's main customers has gradually become normalized. Compared with the previous year, the company has a positive growth trend in market development, business development, and project inspection and recovery. ; 3. With its outstanding performance in innovation ability, brand influence, economic benefits, and operation management, Yuanchen Technology was successfully selected as the third batch of national specialized and new "little giant" enterprises; 4. Yuanchen Technology's filter bags and catalyst products help companies achieve carbon neutrality; 5. Yuanchen Technology cooperates with Zhejiang University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other university science parks and research institutes to form a technological innovation base, a high-tech enterprise incubatio...
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  • Yuanchen Model Worker | Li Tingting: The original heart reflects the transformation of life
    Sep 03, 2021 Yuanchen Model Worker | Li Tingting: The original heart reflects the transformation of life
    Workers who do not understand the production drawings at first can grow into "professional and proficient" cadres; with an ordinary degree, they can also "show their skills" in special positions...The splendid and extraordinary skills brought about by skills often bloom in the first line of production and factory workshops. .   Founded in 2005, Yuanchen Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise that has both high-efficiency dust removal filter materials and SCR denitration catalyst R&D, design, production, and waste catalyst recovery and regeneration qualifications. Along the way, Yuanchen has made great achievements in science and technology because the company always regards talents as its core competitiveness and is willing to devote its energy to cultivating talents.     "It's not just about doing'rough work', it's the capital to improve oneself"   "I'm just an ordinary person. I try my best to do everything in an ordinary position." This short sentence is Li Tingting, the monitor of the filter bag workshop, commented on her work.   Why is she? It depends on having a heart that loves learning. When I first started, Li Tingting, who only had a junior high school education, couldn't even understand the production drawings, and couldn't get involved in key tasks. It was really a black eye. Faced with the lack of theoretical knowledge, she purchased a large number of technical books at her own expense, insisted on studying assiduously in her spare time every day, and filled several notebooks with notes. Diligent study and practice, apprenticeship to learn art, how fulfilling the road of skill study. However, it was this enthusiasm for learning that allowed Li Tingting to gradually become a "great god" in his post from a "noise white" who knew nothing at the beginning.   In March 2020, a new pleated filter bag production line was added to the filter bag workshop. During the debugging process, some people said that the pleated filter bag is not easy to make and they are unwilling to learn. At this time, the workshop director came to Li Tingting and said, "Go and follow the master." After a moment of silence, Li Tingting replied firmly, "Yes"!     No one is born with skill and skill. In the stories of artisans from big countries, there is the same enthusiasm for research and study. Although I have never seen a fold device, Li Tingting believes that she can do it.   However, when the installer saw her, he shook his head: This device can only be moved by gay men, and lesbians don't have that much strength! Hearing this, Li Tingting was immediately unhappy: This is looking down on lesbians! No matter how difficult it is, I have to learn it.   Li Tingting, who was determined, quickly entered the state. In order to make this production line work as soon as possible, Li Tingting borrowed relevant books and materials, went home to study at night, followed the master to operate the machine during the day, co...
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  • The party branch of Yuanchen Technology organized a party history study and education special organization life meeting
    Sep 03, 2021 The party branch of Yuanchen Technology organized a party history study and education special organization life meeting
    On August 31, the Yuanchen Science and Technology Party Branch organized a party meeting with the theme of“learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things, and opening up a new situation”and conscientiously implemented the requirements of“learning history to be clear, learning history to increase credit, learning history to respect morals, and learning history to practice”. Organize a life meeting on the topic of history learning and education. Comrade Liang Yan, secretary of the party branch, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. All party members of the party branch attended the meeting.     Before the meeting, the Party branch of Yuanchen Technology carried out intensive study in accordance with the requirements of the higher-level party committee; branch members and party members conducted extensive and in-depth talks and solicited opinions with each other, and carefully wrote control inspection materials to investigate their own existence. The problems of the organization laid the ideological foundation, psychological foundation, problem foundation and material foundation for the convening of the thematic organization life meeting.   At the meeting, Secretary Liang Yan summarized the work of party building in Yuanchen’s science and technology in the first half of the year, clarified issues such as carrying out party history learning and education, contacting and serving party members, and avoiding formalism and bureaucracy. He deeply analyzed the causes of the problems and pointed out In the second half of the year, the direction of party building and party history study and education.     Afterwards, the comrades participating in the meeting made speeches one by one according to the theme of the meeting, and conducted a serious investigation and in-depth analysis on the study of party history, work, thinking, and style. Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the learning materials designated by the Party Central Committee were exchanged and shared. According to the requirements of the party’s history learning and education goals, combined with the actual work of personal ideological learning, they carried out inspections and carried out criticism and self-criticism. The problem put forward the promise of rectification measures, and achieved the goal of "united-criticized-united".   Finally, Secretary Liang Yan summarized the development of this special organization’s life and pointed out that at present, most of the company’s party members are middle-level and above managers. While focusing on business work, it is necessary to strengthen the leadership of party building and promote business work and party building. Deep integration of work. In the next step, the company will continue to focus on the theme of "learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical work, and opening up a new game", strengthen the "four consciousness...
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