• A lively Yuanchen party class
    Aug 12, 2021 A lively Yuanchen party class
    "Hundred years of struggle, set sail for a new journey." Recently, the party branch of Yuanchen Technology specially invited Liang Huayou, director of the Rights Protection Division of the Xinzhan High-tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions, to provide special party lessons for all party members and veterans.     During the lecture, Director Liang focused on the theme of "learning a century of party history and prospering the future", closely combining the party’s century of struggle, a century of journey, and a century of exploration, combined with Hefei’s local development reality, the thoughts and work practices of party members and cadres, and used rich and informative methods. The party history data of the Party systematically explained the mission and responsibilities of the Communists in the new era, and gave all party members a vivid, profound, simple and content-rich special party class.     He emphasized: Studying the history of the party and the history of New China is the "foundation stone" of the "four self-confidence." A good study of the two compulsory courses of Party History and New China History will enable us to more scientifically summarize historical experience, correctly grasp the laws of history, clearly understand China’s national conditions, and deeply grasp the basis of the scientific and truthful nature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Uphold the "four self-confidence".     At the same time, he pointed out that in the new era, we must use history as a mirror, learn from the present, draw wisdom from the party’s century-old history, shoulder the mission and responsibilities of the Chinese Communists in the new era, and build a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation strives unremittingly.     Everyone said that the revolutionary martyrs have exchanged their blood and lives for today’s happy life. We must learn from the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the revolutionary spirit, strengthen our mission, base ourselves on our posts, and do our work well with our heart, affection, effort, and time. Promote the high-quality development of enterprises and contribute their own strength!
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  • Luo Hong, deputy director of the Department of Ecological Environment of Anhui Province, and his party visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    Aug 12, 2021 Luo Hong, deputy director of the Department of Ecological Environment of Anhui Province, and his party visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance
    On the morning of June 18th, Luo Hong, deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and his team visited Yuanchen Technology for research and guidance. Ms. Liang Yan, general manager of Yuanchen Technology, Mr. Chen Zhi, deputy general manager, and Mr. Zhao Yu, chief engineer of Science and Technology Research Institute participated in the exchange.     Director Luo and his entourage visited the Yuanchen Party Building Cultural Center and the production intelligence workshop, and listened carefully to reports on corporate brand growth stories, economic development, technological research and development, and strategic planning. He said that the environmental protection market will have a huge capacity in the future, and Yuanchen Technology's dual-carbon strategic plan closely follows the national development direction. He pointed out that the enterprise strategic plan should fully consider the economy, technology, and marketability, encourage enterprises to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation, and strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.     Director Luo emphasized that in the process of promoting green development, Anhui Province has continuously cultivated and strengthened energy-saving and environmental protection industries, assisted ecological environmental governance and high-level protection, and injected new momentum into economic and social development and the construction of a comprehensive green transition zone. Encourage enterprises to make full use of their own advantages to become bigger and stronger, and rely on scientific and technological strength to contribute to the construction of the ecological environment. At the same time, the Provincial Environmental Protection Department will further deepen the reform and innovation of ecological and environmental protection policies to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.     General Manager Ms. Liang Yan said that in the future, the company will further increase investment in innovation, enrich product systems, use high-quality products and cutting-edge technologies to help win the battle against pollution, achieve continuous improvement of environmental quality, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China by 2035. !
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  • The research team of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of Jiu San Society visited Yuanchen Technology
    Aug 06, 2021 The research team of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of Jiu San Society visited Yuanchen Technology
    On July 27th, Dong Anxin, deputy chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Jiu San Society and vice chairman of the Benxi CPPCC, led a group of 5 cadres of the Jiu San Society’s Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and related enterprises and experts to visit Yuanchen Technology. Zhou Li, Minister of Political Participation of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Jiu San Society, He Qingrui, Member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Hefei Municipal Committee Chairman, and Xu Hui, Chairman of Yuanchen Technology, accompanied the investigation. The investigation team first visited the experimental base of Confair Testing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuanchen Technology, and the Party Building Culture Exhibition Hall of Yuanchen Technology, to understand the corporate culture and development on the spot. Afterwards, in the meeting room, there were in-depth exchanges on Anhui Province's innovation policy and how to support continuous innovation of enterprises. After understanding the innovation mechanism of Anhui Province, Chairman Dong and related enterprises and experts said that the rapid development of Anhui Province cannot be separated from the active guidance of governments at all levels. As a listed company on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, a key enterprise in Anhui Province, and a leading company in the industry, Yuanchen Technology can continue to innovate and drive upstream, downstream and surrounding companies to carry out collaborative innovation and common progress to achieve cluster development and high-quality development in industries, industries, and regions. , To give full play to the role of demonstration, leading and benchmarking of the enterprise. Chairman Dong said that in the future, the two provinces will continue to increase exchanges, learn from each other, discuss, and jointly promote technological progress and industry development. Xu Hui, chairman of Yuanchen Technology, said that the country has created a very good environment and opportunities for the development of enterprises. Only by continuous innovation and continuous development can enterprises better serve the society. Yuanchen Technology will continue to face the forefront of the world, strengthen technological innovation, adhere to high-quality development, promote green and zero-carbon technological breakthroughs and innovations, and contribute to the country's carbon neutral goals.
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  • Yuanchen Technology Party Branch went to Nanhu to carry out party history education activities
    Jul 13, 2021 Yuanchen Technology Party Branch went to Nanhu to carry out party history education activities
    Relive the red memory and pay tribute to the century-old journey. On July 3, 2021, the party branch of Yuanchen Technology organized all party members and party activists to the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall to carry out party history learning and education activities. The Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall takes "The Red Ship Set Sail" as the theme, and is divided into four parts: saving the nation, opening up a world, a glorious course, and moving toward revival. It also sets up "the life track of the representative of the Communist Party of China" and "the development history of the Party Constitution of the Communist Party of China", etc., which comprehensively explain The relationship between a big party and a small boat shows the glorious history of the Chinese Communists leading the people of the whole country to great victories in revolution, construction, and reform over the past 100 years. In the memorial hall, all party members carefully watched every photo, every relic, listened to every story, experienced the revolutionary journey of the ancestors overcoming obstacles, and felt the original intention and belief of selfless dedication. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program..." Under the sonorous oath of the party branch secretary Comrade Liang Yan, all party members faced the North Korean red flag, clenched their right fists, and carried out a group with high morale and full enthusiasm. Sworn. By revisiting the oath of joining the party, encourage the majority of party members to remember the original intention of joining the party, keep in mind the identity of party members, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, stand on their posts in the new era of forge ahead and build dreams and new journeys. Exemplary role. After the visit and study, all party members expressed that they would take the predecessors of the revolution as an example, consciously strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, and earnestly learn history to be clear, to increase credit, to respect morality, and to practice history, and to combine party history study with practical work to better Serving enterprises, serving the society, serving the masses, and contributing to the realization of the second centenary goal.
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  • The Party Branch of the Department of Agricultural Insurance and the Party Branch of the Expert Center went to Yuanchen Technology to carry out the
    Jul 13, 2021 The Party Branch of the Department of Agricultural Insurance and the Party Branch of the Expert Center went to Yuanchen Technology to carry out the
    On July 1, the Party Branch of the Department of Agricultural Insurance and the Party Branch of the Expert Center came to Yuanchen Technology to carry out the "I Do Practical Things for the Masses" practical activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. Party members of the Agricultural Insurance Office and the Expert Center visited the party building cultural exhibition hall and environmental testing laboratory of Yuanchen Technology to learn about the business and production of the company, and listened to Ms. Liang Yan, the general manager and party branch secretary of Yuanchen Technology, about the work of party building in the enterprise Introduction. Afterwards, the party members of the branch carefully studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, introduced their own unique methods and experiences in party building, and gave full play to the leadership of party members in overcoming difficulties and pioneering innovation. Exemplify the leading role, strengthen the sense of responsibility and honor of party members, expand the party building position, enrich the content of party building and other party building work, and carry out in-depth exchanges and discussions. In addition, the Agricultural Insurance Office and the branch of the Expert Center also gave lectures on policies such as pensions for urban and rural residents, pensions for land-lost farmers, pensions for retired fishermen, high-level talent services, talent services for overseas students, green channels for professional title review, and postdoctoral services, focusing on improving talent services. Quality, related policy promotion and implementation, talent training incentives and other issues of concern to companies, listen to corporate opinions and suggestions, and respond to corporate concerns on the spot. Through exchanges, the deep integration of party building and business work has been promoted, and the leading role of party building has been enriched. In the future, Yuanchen Technology will continue to consolidate the foundation of party building work, adhere to the "five hearts in the same direction", create green development, and contribute to the realization of the second centenary goal of Yuanchen!
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  • Confair Testing Technology Turkey Performance Acceptance Project in Progress
    Jul 09, 2021 Confair Testing Technology Turkey Performance Acceptance Project in Progress
    Recently, the Turkish power plant SCR ammonia injection optimization and catalyst on-site performance acceptance project undertaken by Confair Testing Technology was officially launched. The employees of Confair Testing Technology are not afraid of severe overseas epidemics, surmounting thousands of mountains and rivers, and overcoming many difficulties, only to help the stable operation of customer enterprises' internal production. "Ammonia injection optimization" refers to the optimization and adjustment of the ammonia injection device in order to balance the distribution of ammonia nitrogen after the flue gas denitration reaction equipment is put into operation. This SCR ammonia injection optimization and catalyst site performance acceptance project is mainly to test the NOx distribution at the outlet of the SCR reactor under different boiler loads and various working conditions in two 660MW units in the power plant in Turkey, and gradually optimize the AIG ammonia injection The ammonia flow of each branch pipeline of the grid improves the uniformity of NOx distribution at the outlet, and conducts on-site performance acceptance of the denitrification catalyst. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this overseas project, our company has established a key project working group and a special logistics support team, formulated a detailed project implementation plan and travel plan, and achieved the four "personnel, measures, responsibilities, and guarantees" in place , While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the tasks were carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan. Going out of the country is a manifestation of the improvement of the strength of the Confair testing technology company, but the actual overseas construction also faces many uncertainties. Chen Lian, the person in charge of the testing project, has more than ten years of rich on-site testing experience and solid testing technology. He has been responsible for the on-site performance acceptance projects of large-scale units in the power plant. The orderly progress of the work of the Turkish performance acceptance project. The on-site inspection team of Confair Testing Technology has also been fully recognized by the power plant project leader with its high degree of professionalism, rigor and professionalism.  
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